Set Fabrication
Kitchen set

Our kitchen set was very inspired on 1950s style, color, and design. We wanted an angular language to it. That is why we do not see many "rounded" objects. English Rose's kitchens were one of the biggest inspirations to us.
We do a cardboard mock up with the correct size and then start planning the inside structure with scale and material thickness in mind.

Our main materials were birch plywood, MDF, Masonite, and Smooth-cast 300.
By making our set by pieces (making two different counters, and unassembled cabinets) it helped us assemble and tie everything down successfully for all the different shots we have. Even separating the set to have two shots going on at the same time!
Final paint and details were mostly made with spray paint.

Kitchen door

Our kitchen door was decided to be an indoors door. So having so peculiar window design was perfect to fit the kitchen language.
We used 1/4" MDF for the door, basswood rectangles for all the framing, acrylic for the windows. and a smoothcast 300 plastic handles.

We wanted some lights inside, so we planned a way to have two LEDs inside a diffusion sphere (a ping pong ball). To sustain everything in place we used 4/40 screws, for the tiedown 6/36 screws and nuts. And one metal rig to sustain the sphere in the correct place.
To finalize, we planned a circuit in a small protoboard. Two 470 (ohms) resistances were use per LED to have the enough control for the monitor lighting.

Prop Fabrication

For the iMac G3 we did a collaboration on the 3D modeling (Responsable for Bottom section and mouse).
A foam carved mock up was made to almost finalize the size of the computer.
We decided to use Polyjet as our printing material, Vero transparent resin with pink for the case and details and Vero transparent resin with white for the majority of the bottom and front.